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Remapping Persian Literary History, 1700-1900 (Edinburgh University Press, 2020).

Legacies of 9/11 and the Global War on Terror: Volume II (Oriental Institute, 2024). ed. with Ameem Lutfi.

Legacies of 9/11 and the Global War on Terror: Volume I (Oriental Institute, 2022). ed. with Ameem Lutfi.

Journal Articles


"Negotiating Gender during Times of Crisis in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Visual Propaganda from the Iran-Iraq War until COVID-19," British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 51.2 (2024): 297-315, with Olmo Gölz.

"Introduction: Propagandas, Cultural Production, and Negotiating Ideology in Iran," British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 51.2 (2024): 241-8, with Olmo Gölz and Goulia Ghardashkhani.

"Pathways to Persotopias," PMLA 139.2 (2024): 299-306, with Aria Fani and Samuel Hodgkin.

'Citizen Martyrs': The Fatemiyoun Brigade in Iran, Afghanistan 5.1 (2022): 93-121.

"Persianate Pasts; National Presents: Persian Literature and Cultural Production in the Twentieth Century," Iranian Studies 55.3 (2022): 605-9, with Aria Fani. 

Re-Staging American Triumph as American Carnage,” Visual Studies 37.4 (2022): 403-4, with Olmo Gölz. 

"Visual Propaganda at a Crossroads: New Techniques at Iran's Vali Asr Billboard," Visual Studies 36.3-5 (2021): 476-90, with Olmo Gölz. 

A Transregional Persianate Library: The Production and Circulation of Tadhkiras of Poets in the 18th and 19th Centuries," International Journal of Middle East Studies, 52.1 (2020), pp. 109-35.

The Curious Case of Carnatic: The Last Nawâb of Arcot (d. 1855) and Persian Literary Culture,” The Indian Economic & Social History Review, 53.4 (2016), pp. 533-60.

The Local Lives of a Transregional Poet: ‘Abd al-Qâdir Bîdil and the Writing of Persianate Literary History,” Journal of Persianate Studies 9 (2016), pp. 83-106.


Fueling the Dragon’s Flame: How China’s Energy Demands Affect its Relationship with the Middle East, September 14, 2006, with John Douglas and Matthew Nelson.

Prepared for the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission 





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